What does Baidam believe in and live by?
Our Vision
To become Australia’s leading Indigenous IT Security Solutions provider by 2025.
Our Mission
To build a safer online community by delivering measurable business outcomes.
To become a trusted provider within our sector by providing integrity, professionalism, expert knowledge, and a community focus.
To create training opportunities and employment pathways for Regional and Remote Indigenous communities.

United by a desire to actively contribute towards bridging the disparity gap between non-Indigenous and First Nations Peoples, Jack and Pip floated the concept of a profit-with-purpose cybersecurity business – and, over many hotel lobby coffee meetings (and the odd beer) with prospective customers and partners, turned it into reality.
From the outset, Baidam has had a clear goal: To make a measurable change within the resource-poor ITC security sector and allow for more Indigenous involvement in the national technology community.
Today, Baidam contributes over 50% of its profits to bridging the gap. The business has grown 310% year-on-year in the past two financial years, meaning the amount we give back has increased significantly.
The Baidam Story
Conceived in the lobby of the Hilton in Brisbane in 2018, Baidam is the much-loved brainchild of Co-founders Jack Reis and Phillip (Pip) Jenkinson.
Why are we called Baidam?
And how to pronounce it.
In the Kala Lagaw Ya language of Badu Island in the Torres Straits, Baidam means shark. It is a fitting name for an Indigenous-owned business focused on hunting down and countering cyber threats.

Why partner with Baidam?
By supporting Baidam, you actively contribute towards measurable change within Australia’s ICT security sector.
As Australia’s leading Indigenous ICT security services and solutions provider, we focus on helping you achieve logical business outcomes using innovative local and international technology solutions.
Our commitment to giving back to the local economy will help us all “Bridge the Gap” of Indigenous representation in the IT security sector. Our corporate charter includes a structured and measurable plan called the Baidam Initiative to provide specialist IT security certification funding and meaningful employment opportunities for regional and remote communities.
When you partner with us, you directly challenge the status quo and combat the ignorance surrounding the profound IT security skills shortage we all face in Australia.
So, together, we make a positive difference.

About us
“If we were in this just to make money, then we would be a poor business.”
Jack Reis, Co-founder and Group CEO, Baidam
Our Values
We use the acronym C.H.O.I.C.E to articulate our business values.
Moral and Social courage in Baidam is about always doing the right thing even at the risk of ridicule and retribution. Moral courage requires us to rise above complacency, ignorance, cynicism, socioeconomic divisions, and cultural/religious differences. Social courage is standing tall, with your head held high, feeling comfortable in your own skin. To us at Baidam, it means Shaking the Tree, Creating Change and Bridging the Gap.


Moral and Social courage in Baidam Solutions is about always doing the right thing even at the risk of ridicule and retribution. Moral courage requires us to rise above complacency, ignorance, cynicism, socioeconomic divisions, and cultural/religious differences. Social courage is standing tall, with your head held high, feeling comfortable in your own skin. To us at Baidam Solutions, it means Shaking the Tree, Creating Change and Bridging the Gap.

At Baidam we know that it is our responsibility to continue to educate ourselves, and in doing so to educate others. To keep up to date with a rapidly evolving global security landscape means applying ourselves to learn. At Baidam we will tell our unique story to keep our identity alive and will be proud of who and what we represent.

Leadership means facing Challenges head on and at Baidam Solutions we acknowledge that we have an opportunity to challenge the market, challenge myths and prejudices, challenge ourselves and each other to be better in everything we do.
Our Values
We use the acronym C.H.O.I.C.E to articulate our business values.

We can define Innovation simply as a “new idea, device or method”. However, Innovation is often also viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, un-articulated needs, or existing market needs. At Baidam we are proud to bring unique IT solutions to the market.

Baidam Solutions is proud to be the first Indigenous IT security provider in Queensland. We are proud of the ability to think creatively, look at business problems from a different perspective and present our solutions in an original manner.

In Baidam Solutions, Honesty is valued in every communication and transaction between our customers and our employees. It is fundamental in the workplace, as it creates an environment of trust and confidence. Honesty and transparency are guiding principles in how Baidam Solutions handles every aspect of its work, honesty isn’t only about doing things the right away, it’s also about expressing the values in which Baidam Solutions has been founded.